
Posts Tagged ‘photography’

I thought last week’s theme of Texture was difficult.  This week was Symmetry, and I could not find anything that I felt was symmetrical and interesting to photograph.  I think my problem is that I wanted to take the theme too literally.  I was stuck on the idea of photographing a building or structure, and I lean more towards natural things, which in my mind, aren’t symmetrical.

I took the kids to the park late Sunday morning and tried a couple different things.  But they really weren’t working out.  As we walked back to the car, I noticed the picnic benches and got struck with the idea of symmetry and vanishing point perspective.

Week 7 ~ Symmetry

When I uploaded the pictures, I realized my focus was all off, but it makes kind of a different perspective ~ something a little less expected.  And if it was perfect, then it wouldn’t be called growth.

Still not thrilled with this theme, but it’s stuck in my head now, so maybe I’ll run across something else in a few weeks that I like better.  I really like these challenges because it makes me think not just of my photography, but also my subject and composition.


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